4 Steps for Building Your Brand Message & Booking More Clients

Brand Copy Tips, Websites

You know you need to work on your brand message to start attracting more perfect-fit clients for your service.

But maybe that seems like a daunting task.

I totally get that, friend. I’m a professional copywriter, and writing my own brand messaging was a challenge! It can be hard to know where to start. It can be hard to try to see yourself from an outsider’s perspective and write about something that’s so close to your heart.

What if it didn’t have to be hard?

Great news, friend: it doesn’t have to be! Creating great messaging for your business doesn’t have to be like pulling teeth.

My framework for building a brand message helps you create messaging that flows organically out of you. There’s no pulling ideas and language out of thin air, or borrowing stuff from other businesses. Instead, we’re taking your story, your brand voice, and the awesome details of your service and creating a brand message that’s an authentic reflection of your business.

woman's hand writing in notebook on wood desk

Uncover Your Brand Story

We start by uncovering your brand story. That means you’re NOT starting from scratch. Rather, you’re taking what’s true about you and your business and forming a message that tells your unique story.

So the first step is to UNCOVER that story. When I work one on one with clients, we do this through a combination of a questionnaire and a brand discovery call. In my program, I’ll share my deep dive questions with you and we’ll work together during the coaching calls to refine your story and make sure it connects with your audience.

Step 2: Define Your Brand Voice

Your brand voice is the personality that comes across in your company’s communications. Another way to think about brand voice is that it’s the answer to this question:

How would you describe your brand if it were a person?

Your brand voice shouldn’t be randomly selected—it should be derived from your business’s values and your personality. It should also be reflective of what your ideal client will respond best to.

During this step, we take your mission, values and personality traits, and work to narrow down the characteristics of your brand voice.

If you want a quick way to get started with this, you can download my free brand voice chart here.

Step 3: Craft Your Message

Brand message: the words you use to help your ideal clients understand the value of your service.

Now that you’ve laid the foundation, it’s time to craft your brand message. In this step, we pull together your brand story and your brand voice to create compelling brand messaging that demonstrates your business’s value and speaks to your ideal client.

The purpose of your brand message is to convey to your audience what PROBLEM you solve and HOW you do that. It’s important to keep it focused. We want to hone in on the transformation your service provides to your ideal client and how you are uniquely suited to solve their problem.

Step 4: Implement Your Brand Message

Implementing your brand message is simply using your brand message to write powerful, high-converting marketing copy for your business.

In this step, we take everything you’ve worked on and actually USE it in the copy your audience is going to read! Whether that’s a sales page, launch copy for your service or program, or thought leadership content for your audience, your brand messaging serves as a springboard for all of your copy.

By laying the groundwork and crafting a powerful, standout brand message, you’ll stop feeling stuck when it comes to writing your copy. You’ll finally have a roadmap for writing anything you need to write for your business.

Ready to Build Your Brand Message?

So, are you ready to start building your brand message, so you can attract more perfect-fit clients for your service? I’m here to help!

Here are a few ways to get started:

>> Download my FREE Build Your Brand Message Guide

>> Get on the waitlist for my program, Build Your Brand Message

>> Book a call with me to see how I can help you 1:1

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