“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” – Tony Robbins “You, and only you, are ultimately responsible for who you become and how happy you are.” – Rachel Hollis “Success is based off of your willingness to work your ass off no matter what obstacles are in your way.” – David Goggins […]
One of the website pages many business owners struggle to create content for is the About page. I haven’t figured out exactly why this is, but I have some guesses. Although the creator or owner of a company obviously knows their story and the ins and outs of their business better than anyone else, it […]
You ever get presented with an opportunity that you’re really excited about, and then pretty much instantly plunge into despair that you’re not enough—good enough, smart enough, qualified enough, whatever—to do it? Just the other day, I was faced with a really amazing opportunity to flex my writing muscles with a new project. At first, […]
We live in a society that is quick to “shame” various groups of people. People are criticized over their body type, their sexuality, their political beliefs—pretty much anything it seems. In recent years, mom shaming has come to the forefront of this shame spiral. Everyone seems to have an opinion on exactly how women should […]
Ah, the new year. As soon as the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, something shifts in us, doesn’t it? The whole world seems to collectively sigh in relief that the old is over, the new has begun, and anything is possible now. Perhaps it’s not quite as dramatic as all that, but that’s the […]
Customize these scripts for your email list, social media, or sales page—totally free.