What’s in an Opt-In? | 5 Steps to Creating an Email List Opt-In that Converts

Brand Copy Tips

Ah, the email list opt-in. We hear about it all the time, right? If you run a service-based business, you need to create an opt-in to get people in the proverbial door—AKA, onto your email list—so you can engage with them and encourage them to work with you.

So you need an opt-in. Where do you start? First, let’s break down the purpose of the opt-in, because there’s actually a few layers to it.

Your opt-in should accomplish the following:

  • Provide something of value to your audience for free—no strings attached.
  • Encourage people in your niche to subscribe to your email list.
  • Give people a taste of what it’s like to work with you.
  • Give people a tangible result.


Alright, so that’s what your opt-in needs to do. On to the tougher part: creating it.


Here are 5 steps to creating an opt-in that converts:

  1. Brainstorm ideas that are directly related to your paid service. Remember, you want the people who click on this offer to be people who are actually interested in working with you! If there isn’t a direct flow from the opt-in to your service, it’s not fully doing its job.
  2. Create something that is easy to take action on. The opt-in needs to be fairly simple and add value quickly. Because it’s free, it shouldn’t be a huge time investment on their part.
  3. Make sure it delivers a result. This isn’t the place to be giving away a lovely work of inspiring literature (as much as I love those). You’re a service provider, so you need to show your potential clients how your service produces results.
  4. Make it something you can offer additional guidance on. Obviously you don’t want to just hand people something and then never talk to them again. While your opt-in should be fairly easy for people to execute, make sure you still leave some space so you can chime in via email with some additional tips to guide them along.
  5. Insert a little personality. Because this is a taste of what it’s like to work with you, it should also sound like you! Adding your personality to your opt-in will also help attract the type of people who are a great fit for you, so it’s a win-win.

What Type of Opt-In Should I Create?


three women looking at their phones and smiling

Great—so there are the bones for your opt-in. What medium should you use to deliver it? That really depends on your business, your personality, and what you think your ideal clients will respond best to. Just Google “opt-in ideas” and you’ll get dozens of options for delivering your offer. Here are a few:

  • Video series
  • Downloadable PDF/Ebook
  • Checklist
  • Quiz
  • Challenge
  • Mini course

Just make sure you go with something that makes sense for your specific business and brand. For instance, a quiz might be a trendy opt-in idea, but it might be a little too light if you’re a legal expert or an estate planner.

Need Some Help Writing Your Opt-In?

Got an idea for an opt-in, but need help executing it? Totally stuck and no idea what to create? I’m here to help!

For a limited time, I’m offering a BONUS to anyone who books my signature website copy service, the Brand Copy Toolkit. The Brand Copy Toolkit hooks you up with everything you need to create a cohesive brand message: business tagline, website copy, social media bios and an elevator pitch.

As a special launch bonus, if you book the Brand Copy Toolkit, you’ll get copy for your email opt-in AND the corresponding email nurture sequence TOTALLY FREE.

If you’re tired of burning valuable time trying to write your own copy—but you know you need to refine your message to reach your ideal clients—this is THE opportunity you’ve been waiting for. And if you’ve been struggling to come up with a great opt-in to encourage people to sign up for your email list, this is your chance to check that off your to-do list at no additional cost! And while you’re at it, let’s also check off that email nurture sequence to make sure you’re keeping your subscribers engaged.

The Brand Copy Toolkit starts at $850. If you book by May 18th, you’ll get the opt-in & email sequence bonuses (valued at $600) FREE.

Learn more about the Brand Copy Toolkit here, or contact me to book the special here!

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