How to Create a Clear Brand Message for Your Business

Brand Copy Tips

Does your business have a clear and consistent brand message?

I work with a lot of different types of businesses. One common struggle I’ve seen time and time again is the difficulty of nailing down ONE core brand message.

What do I mean by a core brand message?

I mean a single statement that defines what your business does and who it serves.

Most often, business owners who can’t nail down their brand message tell me this:

My business does a lot of things, so how can I have just one message?

If you’re thinking yep, that’s me, then lean in, friend! I totally understand the feeling. My business does a lot of things too. I write website and brand copy, but I also help my clients with email marketing and blogging, and I even have a full website design package that I offer alongside another business owner.

But despite offering multiple services, I am still able to create a core brand message. And you can too. Here’s how.


How to Create Your Core Brand Message

You need one clear and consistent message that does the following:

  1. Identifies your IDEAL CLIENT
  2. Addresses the transformation and/or SOLUTION your service provides
  3. Succinctly describes your SERVICE
  4. Embodies the VOICE of your brand


Here’s a visual breakdown of my brand message as an example:

graphic that says "helping service-based businesses connect & sell with strategic, on-brand copy"


What my core message doesn’t do is go into deep detail about my service or my process. That’s just not possible with a one-liner like this.

But what it DOES do is give people a sense of what I do and whether or not it’s something they’re looking for.


The Benefits of Creating Your Message

The benefits of having a cohesive brand message are:

  • Clear communication: Having a consistent message allows you to clearly communicate the service and solution you offer to your audience.
  • Brand recognition: People need to hear things several times before they begin to remember it. Clearly articulating your message will help you build up brand recognition with your audience. 
  • Establishing expertise: You want to become known as the go-to expert in your industry. A consistent message will help make that a reality. 
  • Clarity in your business: Having a clear message will help you focus your business on the things that are core to your brand. It will make it easier for you to make decisions like what services to offer and what kind of content to create.

Note: Creating a core brand message doesn’t mean you can’t use other messages and phrases when you’re communicating about your brand. I have plenty of other phrases and one-liners I use to talk about what I do. Your core message serves as a foundation upon which you can build out these other messages.

Let’s Build Your Brand Message

Want my help creating a clear and cohesive message for your brand? Let’s do it! My signature service, the Brand Copy Toolkit, includes everything you need to get your messaging on point. Not sure if it’s for you? Schedule a free call with me here to see if I might be a good fit!

  1. […] it: Create a core brand message and define your brand voice (grab my free brand voice chart here if you need a starting point). […]

  2. […] to try to chase every shiny new trend, you’ll lose whatever traction you’ve gotten.Fix it: Create a core brand message and define your brand voice (grab my free brand voice chart here if you need a starting point). […]

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