
5 Reasons Your Business Needs a Clear Brand Voice

Brand Copy Tips

If you want to grow a service-based business that stands out in the marketplace, attracts perfect-fit clients, and helps you make great money doing what you love, you need a clear brand voice. Once you’ve established what your business is, who you serve and what you stand for, developing your brand voice and using it across your messaging is one of the fundamental steps you can take toward growth.


Okay great, so what IS brand voice?

Simply put, your brand voice is the personality that comes across in your company’s communications. It’s the answer to this question:


How would you describe your brand if it were a person?


Your brand might be fun, laid back and humorous. Or maybe it’s honest, straightforward and relatable. The important thing is that you establish a brand voice that is reflective of your business’s values, your authentic personality, and your ideal client’s characteristics.


Need to define your brand voice & start writing better copy for your biz? Download my FREE brand voice chart.


Alright, on to the important part: how does developing your brand voice actually benefit you as a business owner?


Here are 5 reasons your business needs a clear brand voice:


  1. It helps your ideal clients feel right at home. Because your brand voice radiates your brand’s values and personality, it’s basically a homing beacon for your perfect-fit clients. If your messaging speaks their language, they’ll instantly realize they’re in the right place.

  2. You’ll give your audience a clear understanding of who you are and why they should work with you. If someone is going to buy your service, they’ve got to buy into YOU, the provider. Your brand voice helps your audience get a feel for who you are and what it would be like to work with you. If they’re not sold on that part, you’ll have a tough time selling them anything else.

  3. It builds trust with your audience. You create trust with your audience by presenting a clear message with a consistent voice. If you’re all over the place and your audience can’t figure out what you offer or what kind of person you are, you’ll have a hard time establishing trust with them. A consistent, cohesive brand voice is key to building an audience that trusts you enough to buy from you.
  4. It gives you confidence in your own brand. Don’t underestimate the power of having confidence in your own business and brand. Creating a clear brand voice that is truly reflective of your real values and personality can help you speak confidently to your audience and serve at your highest capacity.
  5. It helps you set boundaries and expectations. Your brand voice can also help you communicate those ever-important boundaries you need to have with your clients. Make it clear from your messaging that you have great processes to help your clients succeed. If your boundaries and expectations are evident in your messaging (and communicated effectively with your brand voice!), you’ll have a much easier time ensuring your clients play by the rules.


There you have it! Building your brand voice is absolutely crucial if you want to grow a successful service-based business. Don’t put it off, friend! Download my FREE Brand Voice Chart and get started building your brand voice today.

Need a little extra help walking through the process? I got you! You can purchase my in-depth Build Your Brand Voice Workbook here for just $35. Or if you’d like to work one-on-one on your messaging, check out my services here.

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