If you have some experience with the Bible, you probably know that Jesus has set forth a pretty clear purpose for people: love God, love one another. So simple in theory, actually rather difficult in practice. As it turns out, when Jesus told us to love one another, he wasn’t just talking about people who […]
’Tis the season—the season for shopping and packaging, for rushing from Christmas parties to gift exchanges to family dinners. We’re toasting and caroling, admiring the beauty all around us, and soaking up every enjoyable moment we can. We’re reveling in the warmth of cozy fires and family, celebrating the end of a great year and […]
Last week we hosted Friendsgiving at our house. We shoved 15 adults and way too many kids into our condo, and ate and fellowshipped, and laughed too hard and said many inappropriate things, and it was just the best. It wasn’t a dinner party with a seating arrangement and fancy food and proper parking spaces […]
I’m currently going through Jen Hatmaker’s book/social experiment 7 with a friend (definitely check it out if you haven’t yet) and this month’s challenge has been particularly convicting for me. The premise is simple: choose seven items of clothing to wear for the month. See what it’s like to live with less. I decided to modify […]
On Sunday, the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas held its first church service since a gunman entered the sanctuary and opened fire on the congregation. Its first service since 25 people, including the pastor’s daughter, were ruthlessly murdered within the walls of a place of worship. Where gunfire rained down on innocent people […]
I’m not sure when it became expected that women have it all together at all times. Maybe it was back in the 50s when characters like June Cleaver portrayed the ideal woman as a heel-wearing, meal-cooking, house-cleaning, child-rearing Stepford queen. Or maybe it goes back further than that. Perhaps someone told Martha her house wasn’t […]
Welcome, friend. If you’re here, I want to thank you for choosing to be here, or for accidentally stumbling upon this because of some magic trick of SEO my website designer whipped up. Either way, welcome. If we know each other personally, hi again. You know what you’re in for. If we don’t, I’m not […]
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