A little bit of everything: thoughts on copywriting, branding, business & life.

The Chelsea Sherman Blog

You ever get presented with an opportunity that you’re really excited about, and then pretty much instantly plunge into despair that you’re not enough—good enough, smart enough, qualified enough, whatever—to do it? Just the other day, I was faced with a really amazing opportunity to flex my writing muscles with a new project. At first, […]

Does the Bible offer black and white questions to every question we have, or is it our responsibility to find nuance when it comes to difficult issues?

We live in a society that is quick to “shame” various groups of people. People are criticized over their body type, their sexuality, their political beliefs—pretty much anything it seems. In recent years, mom shaming has come to the forefront of this shame spiral. Everyone seems to have an opinion on exactly how women should […]

Ah, the new year. As soon as the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, something shifts in us, doesn’t it? The whole world seems to collectively sigh in relief that the old is over, the new has begun, and anything is possible now. Perhaps it’s not quite as dramatic as all that, but that’s the […]

Guest post by Katie Donahue I am in the camp of people that usually loves Christmas. I love the twinkly lights and the Advent carols and the delicious cookies. I love the friendliness in the air and the warm drinks and all the fun family holiday experiences. I love the nativity scenes and gift wrapping […]

You guys ever have a week that just kind of knocks the breath out of you? It’s just been rough over here this week. Usually my posts are inspired by the stuff I’m currently sorting through in my head and heart, but this week I’ve decided to take a little break from the heaviness. I […]

I have to admit, I’ve been let down by Christmas many times in my life. Not by gifts I didn’t get or anything like that—more so by my expectations for the season as a whole not being met. I’ve come to the end of the season, when it’s time to take down the ornaments and […]

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash Did you know we are living through a loneliness epidemic? Rates of loneliness in the U.S. have doubled over the past 50 years. A recent survey of 20,000 adults found that nearly half of them felt alone, left out and isolated. Most of us have gone through times where we’ve felt […]

  Look, there’s no other way to put it: this stage of my life is pretty chaotic. There’s so much to keep up with, to catch up on, to keep under control, that it feels like I need about 10 more hours in a day to make it all manageable. I know most of you […]

Happy election day! I’m sitting here waiting for an oil change before I head to the polls, so I thought I’d just lay out a few quick thoughts about this very heated midterm election season. First, I cannot wait to stop hearing campaign ads—anyone else? I know negative campaign ads are pretty much par for […]

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