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Telling The Story: Why I Love Being a Copywriter [Video]

Brand Copy Tips, Chelsea Sherman

Chelsea Sherman Copywriting from Brett Tubbs on Vimeo.


My Love For Story Started Early

Have you ever had something you NEEDED to do? Like… deep down in your bones, you could feel it stirring, and if you didn’t let it out you’d combust. For me, that thing is telling stories. It’s taking pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, and pouring my heart out onto the page.

I’ve felt that stirring in my bones since I was a kid. In elementary school, I would write stories and share them with anyone who would listen. I took my many adoring readers (okay, my mom and my English teacher) on the adventures of a superhero pig named Oinkmaster. From my middle school years, I have pages and pages of full, extremely embarrassing, diaries.

In high school, my focus turned to sharing the adventures of my fellow students and teachers through the school newspaper. Then in college, I pursued my degrees in English and Journalism, while I explored my (usually wrong) opinions as editor of the online magazine. I went on to intern at a local magazine, where I eventually became a temporary editor.

Now I Get To Tell Your Stories

And now here I am. I’ve taken my passion for storytelling, along with my education and experience in journalism and writing, and created a job that is kind of a perfect marriage of those things.

I get to work with amazing business owners to tell their stories. I get to dig deep with them, uncover their why, and craft a message that embodies their voice and resonates with their audience.

It’s not lost on me that I’m extremely fortunate to have clients who trust me to do this work.

It is a privilege every single day to tell your stories.

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